I was polite in my comment to EPA. I mentioned that raptor populations were (you should pardon the expression) soaring in my neck of the woods in Northeast Ohio. An elephant, if one were running around loose, couldn't sneeze and fall to its knees without at least ruffling the feathers of a red-tailed hawk. There's at least one mating pair of bald eagles on the Grand River east of us, and my sons and I think we may have seen one on the Rocky River. Peregrines nest in downtown Cleveland, and I've seen two in and/or over my back yard. Finally, there's a hoot owl somewhere in the neighborhood. I hear it 'round midnight.
Of course, I did also say it was an overreach akin to OSHA's, but I was polite about it.
Dave, lots of them I'd imagine. Not to mention someone in the White House with some brains along with their fanaticism calling and asking "What the HELL are you DOING?" AND, I don't doubt, some people in Congress pointing out- loudly and maybe profanely- "Which part of YOU CAN'T LEGALLY DO THIS didn't you get? And no, you CAN'T just 'slip it by'!"
And, I tend to hope, some pointed words toward the idea of 'Apparently you have so much money you feel you can waste it on this; therefore, we need to review and take an axe to your budget.' Which are the words that'll actually mean something to many of the bastards in any agency.
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JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2010/08/that-was-quicker-than-last-time.html (10 comments)
Tentative mapping of comments to original article, corrections solicited.
I was polite in my comment to EPA. I mentioned that raptor populations were (you should pardon the expression) soaring in my neck of the woods in Northeast Ohio. An elephant, if one were running around loose, couldn't sneeze and fall to its knees without at least ruffling the feathers of a red-tailed hawk. There's at least one mating pair of bald eagles on the Grand River east of us, and my sons and I think we may have seen one on the Rocky River. Peregrines nest in downtown Cleveland, and I've seen two in and/or over my back yard. Finally, there's a hoot owl somewhere in the neighborhood. I hear it 'round midnight.
Of course, I did also say it was an overreach akin to OSHA's, but I was polite about it.
Ha! They can regulate our exhaled breath and carbon itself - but not this? They heard about the lampposts.
I'm AM going to make it to GBR-V.
I think Tam scared them.
I guess that the Administration is less arrogant and out of touch than I thought.
Not much less, but this looks like survival instinct at work.
Sad, actually. I had almost hoped they bit. It would have ended them, as we know them. It has to happen, soon or late. Sooner is better.
I wonder how many Donk congresscritters were calling up the EPA and screaming "NOT NOW! NOT F*&KING NOW!"
Yup. ^^ That.
Wonder if anybody mentioned they don't have the legal authority to regulate carbon dioxide, either.
Dave, lots of them I'd imagine. Not to mention someone in the White House with some brains along with their fanaticism calling and asking "What the HELL are you DOING?" AND, I don't doubt, some people in Congress pointing out- loudly and maybe profanely- "Which part of YOU CAN'T LEGALLY DO THIS didn't you get? And no, you CAN'T just 'slip it by'!"
And, I tend to hope, some pointed words toward the idea of 'Apparently you have so much money you feel you can waste it on this; therefore, we need to review and take an axe to your budget.' Which are the words that'll actually mean something to many of the bastards in any agency.
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If you notice any problems with this page or wish to have your home page link updated, please contact John Hardin <jhardin@impsec.org>