JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2010/07/quote-of-day-gun-review-edition.html (13 comments)

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jsid-1280238803-29  Guest (anonymous) at Tue, 27 Jul 2010 13:53:23 +0000

Slicker'n cat shit on a tile floor

jsid-1280243827-819  GrumpyOldFart at Tue, 27 Jul 2010 15:17:08 +0000

Slicker'n owl shit on a sycamore limb. I heard the cat and floor one a completely different way:

Busyer'n a cat tryin to bury a turd on a marble floor. ;)

jsid-1280244717-967  Crotalus at Tue, 27 Jul 2010 15:32:01 +0000

"rubbing snot on glass"... Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

jsid-1280245378-768  emdfl at Tue, 27 Jul 2010 15:43:01 +0000

I'd be curious as tio the cost of that pistol.  Anybody know?

jsid-1280251146-833  SayUncle at Tue, 27 Jul 2010 17:19:07 +0000

emdfl, my scientific guess is a fucking lot :)

jsid-1280264923-40  Guest (anonymous) at Tue, 27 Jul 2010 21:08:43 +0000

Well I have a second-hand SVI Infinity in 40 S&W, and of course it depends on the options, but the build sheet stated it cost ~$2400 in 2007. Not too bad really, depending on your perspective. I imagine his cost more since he has a steel lower.

My SVI is also the slickest pistol I've ever felt... and they included a group card that was 1.2" at 50 yards. Crazy. Schuemann AET barrel, if you're curious.

jsid-1280264984-179  weambulance at Tue, 27 Jul 2010 21:09:45 +0000

^ That was me. Stupid echo.

jsid-1280266998-246  Linoge at Tue, 27 Jul 2010 21:43:21 +0000

At that price, it had better shit a gold brick every time you rack it. 

jsid-1280273694-732  khbaker at Tue, 27 Jul 2010 23:34:54 +0000 in reply to jsid-1280266998-246

Actually, for what it is, I don't think $2.4k is all that bad.  (Have you seen what Cylinder & Slide is getting for a full-tilt customized Hi-Power lately?) 

jsid-1280298043-961  Mark at Wed, 28 Jul 2010 06:20:44 +0000

Your typical Nighthawk Custom runs a bit north of that STI, but those are semi-custom handguns that are essentially hand built however you want it.
Not so sure I would want to carry such a high dollar pistol, though. Would make me nervous to have all that money tied up in a pistol that you might not see for months in the unfortunate event that you have to use it.

jsid-1280332384-640  Tam at Wed, 28 Jul 2010 15:53:04 +0000 in reply to jsid-1280298043-961

"Your typical Nighthawk Custom runs a bit north of that STI, but those are semi-custom handguns that are essentially hand built however you want it."

So's the SVI.

jsid-1280302347-803  Joe Huffman at Wed, 28 Jul 2010 07:32:27 +0000

From a grade school friend (we both lived on farms) "Slicker than calf slobbers".

From a high school friend who rode, white knuckled, down a mountain late one time in the middle of snow storm when the roads were treacherously slick--he said the two adults in the vehicle were silient the entire trip except for a few seconds after the pickup spent some time traveling sideways for a time before the driver got it back under control. The adult passenger said, "It's slicker than a nun's cunt isn't it?"

jsid-1280324110-716  khbaker at Wed, 28 Jul 2010 13:35:11 +0000 in reply to jsid-1280302347-803

And he would know . . . how, exactly?  :-D

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