I must have some engineer in my soul: my first thought was "That formation on the left looks like tiger eye, wonder what it is?" THEN I noticed "That's a real pretty picture."
Funny. I was there in January - it didn't look like that then. :)
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JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2009/12/your-moment-of-zen.html (7 comments)
Tentative mapping of comments to original article, corrections solicited.
Your Moment of Zion.
I must have some engineer in my soul: my first thought was "That formation on the left looks like tiger eye, wonder what it is?" THEN I noticed "That's a real pretty picture."
Or I just have problems.
Lot of pretty country like that down there; I love hiking in southern Utah.
I have been at that exact spot. It was amazing.
I first saw that sight 40 years ago last month, on a family trip through the west. It's still one of the very best memories of my childhood.
What a beautiful picture! Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, the Grand Canyon...all such majestic places.
Funny. I was there in January - it didn't look like that then. :)
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