And let us not forget, after the throat-cutting the paperwork is mind-boggling...
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JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at (11 comments)
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And this apparently just in...
The EcoThugs are starting to let their veil slip:
Lord Monckton barred from Copenhagen conference pushed to the ground by security
BTW, be sure to visit the xkcd site and put your cursor over the strip for some extra humor.
Dropping excavators on Copenhagen from a C-5 (or two) might be enough.
I'm sure the Thimblewit will be along presently, to chide us for believing the report Ed linked.
Proof of Eco-Fascism really keeps piling up, from the academic side to the street.
Hehehehehe - i like!
How about post hole diggers to a depth of a meter or so?
It is a climate conference after all; let them experience some for a week or two, then bring in a tracked earth mover.
OT: Do we automagically stay logged in between posts/comments or have to re-register each occasion?
Let's see if I have my name attached now.
And let us not forget, after the throat-cutting the paperwork is mind-boggling...
Note: All avatars and any images or other media embedded in comments were hosted on the JS-Kit website and have been lost; references to haloscan comments have been partially automatically remapped, but accuracy is not guaranteed and corrections are solicited.
If you notice any problems with this page or wish to have your home page link updated, please contact John Hardin <>