Dammit! Well, I'll see you Friday, anyway. And I'll bring your book.
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JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2009/12/az-blogmeet-range-trip-update.html (7 comments)
Tentative mapping of comments to original article, corrections solicited.
I'm in.
Can you shoot clays on the range we're going to if I bring something to toss them with?
Yes you can. I've shot them with my 1917 Enfield, as a matter of fact. The backstop IS a mountain range.
I'm in, with my fiancee accompanying me also.
'm in . aaaaaaaalone.
I'll be there with a friend.
I out. Moving day at the office.
Dammit! Well, I'll see you Friday, anyway. And I'll bring your book.
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If you notice any problems with this page or wish to have your home page link updated, please contact John Hardin <jhardin@impsec.org>