JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2008/11/quote-of-day_08.html (6 comments)

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jsid-1226153513-598886  Markadelphia at Sat, 08 Nov 2008 14:11:53 +0000

First of all, it's been awhile. Been real busy. It's nice to see the ludicrous fear and ridiculous paranoia has been taken to a whole new level since last Tuesday night.

Interesting to note that my uncle and aunt (both very conservative...actually my uncle is and he forces his wife to be) have been saying, verbatim, all of the same things that most of you have said on here since Obama won. Wonder why that is....hmmmm.

But hey, let's talk about something more substanitive.

Given the current state of affairs in Iran (see: poor), I don't think missles are going to be raining down on anywhere. We have a real chance to run the table on them in the Middle East. President Ahmadinejad has squandered his country's oil profits and raised the ire of most of the population as well as the mullahs who run the show by driving their economy in the ground. Will the similarities between himself and President Bush never cease?

With oil being as low as it is right now, they are hurting financially and are starting to have trouble funding their nuclear program. President Elect Obama has a big opportunity to put the screws to them in a number of ways.

Iran may not be the focus, though, as I think much of our new president's time will be taken with economic issues.

jsid-1226155658-598889  Kevin Baker at Sat, 08 Nov 2008 14:47:38 +0000

Snark just completely escapes you, doesn't it?

jsid-1226156361-598890  Eagle 1 at Sat, 08 Nov 2008 14:59:21 +0000

Sort of looks that way. Right past him.

I've always like the Churchill quote about some men stumbling over the truth from time to time, picking themselves up and dusting themselves off, and proceeding as if nothing had happened. The same sort of cluelessness.

Eagle 1

jsid-1226157848-598891  Russell at Sat, 08 Nov 2008 15:24:08 +0000

I betcha when Marky turns his head, the pitch from the wind changes!

jsid-1226173111-598899  DJ at Sat, 08 Nov 2008 19:38:31 +0000

"Snark just completely escapes you, doesn't it?"

Now, Kevin, you know the rules. When he's been away a few days, you're s'posed to forget his lies, his lack of integrity, and his lack of credibility. Instead, you're s'posed to unnerstan' that he knows stuff, by golly.


"We have a real chance to run the table on them in the Middle East."

If you can translate that into something, well, uh, something intelligible, then, well, um, okay, never mind.

OK, how about this:

"With oil being as low as it is right now, they are hurting financially and are starting to have trouble funding their nuclear program."

See? See? He has an inside line to inside knowledge, he does!

Now, can't you just feel the rehabilitation?

jsid-1226254213-598926  juris_imprudent at Sun, 09 Nov 2008 18:10:13 +0000

A dirty nuke or chem strike on San Francisco? Okay, AQ is pretty clueless, but what is this supposed to do - piss off the Trekkies because SF will be a wasteland instead of Federation HQ?

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