I have read rumors around the net that california gun dealers supported the law (requiring pre-approval from CADOJ before sending a gun into the state) that everybody is pissed about.
Don't forget that Ronnie Barrett threw down the gauntlet against illegal gun bans years ago. I'm thrilled to see that they're no longer alone. Now if only the rest of the gun manufacturers and dealers would get on board!
Ronnie Barrett was followed by STI, manufacturer of the most popular pistols in IDPA and IPSC.
Q. Will the recent California Microstamping Bill affect California specific products?
A. UPDATE We will be suspending all shipments of guns to California effective October 13, 2007. This includes everyone from civilians to Law Enforcement.
I can almost guarantee you that CA gun dealers (individually or as an organization) do NOT support the crap flowing forth from Sacramento. This stuff emanates from the pols of L.A. and S.F. - where there aren't many gun dealers (legal ones that is).
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JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2008/08/make-em-mad.html (9 comments)
Tentative mapping of comments to original article, corrections solicited.
I have read rumors around the net that california gun dealers supported the law (requiring pre-approval from CADOJ before sending a gun into the state) that everybody is pissed about.
If you want to really get the powers that be in the PRK to take notice, we have to get Glock to cease all sales and service to the state.
When the various LE agencies can't get their favored sidearms or parts and service for them, then they'll notice.
Yes, and I'm sure the reaction of the legislature will be to sue Glock.
Don't forget that Ronnie Barrett threw down the gauntlet against illegal gun bans years ago. I'm thrilled to see that they're no longer alone. Now if only the rest of the gun manufacturers and dealers would get on board!
Ronnie Barrett was followed by STI, manufacturer of the most popular pistols in IDPA and IPSC.
Q. Will the recent California Microstamping Bill affect California specific products?
A. UPDATE We will be suspending all shipments of guns to California effective October 13, 2007. This includes everyone from civilians to Law Enforcement.
I can almost guarantee you that CA gun dealers (individually or as an organization) do NOT support the crap flowing forth from Sacramento. This stuff emanates from the pols of L.A. and S.F. - where there aren't many gun dealers (legal ones that is).
It appears Kimber isn't on board. I wonder why?
It's that Capitalist profit-motive thing, I suspect. Consider, only Ronnie Barrett and STI are on board. That leaves . . . let me check,
Oh, yeah. EVERYBODY else!
Sigh ...
I indulge myself in sarcasm and nobody gets it.
Note: All avatars and any images or other media embedded in comments were hosted on the JS-Kit website and have been lost; references to haloscan comments have been partially automatically remapped, but accuracy is not guaranteed and corrections are solicited.
If you notice any problems with this page or wish to have your home page link updated, please contact John Hardin <jhardin@impsec.org>