My wifes got here yesterday. You should have seen her BEAM! Kalashnikitty wasn't ready for her b'day, so for that I bought her a "Pink Lady" and a Heller Kitty. Woman went nuts then, and just BEAMED at the K kitty! I'm about to send Eric a "thank you".
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got Junior's yesterday in the mail
Where do I get one for my granddaughter? Anything to drive my daughter nuts. Heh! Won't let me get her the real thing. sigh....
You can contact Eric to see if he has any leftovers at
Email sent. Thanks! :)
My wifes got here yesterday. You should have seen her BEAM! Kalashnikitty wasn't ready for her b'day, so for that I bought her a "Pink Lady" and a Heller Kitty. Woman went nuts then, and just BEAMED at the K kitty! I'm about to send Eric a "thank you".
Note: All avatars and any images or other media embedded in comments were hosted on the JS-Kit website and have been lost; references to haloscan comments have been partially automatically remapped, but accuracy is not guaranteed and corrections are solicited.
If you notice any problems with this page or wish to have your home page link updated, please contact John Hardin <>