JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2006/07/scaaaary-numbers.html (2 comments)

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jsid-1153931258-519009  -B at Wed, 26 Jul 2006 16:27:38 +0000

Mr. Baker,

If you click back to the USA Today link from Poynter, I think one runs across an even scarrier quote from Schorr, to wit:

"Nobody should get into print or on the air without some kind of editor. I have an institutional belief that nobody can be above having a good editor."

It is this "institutional" thing that has got to be put to bed in the minds of reporters and "newsmen" in general. They are going to have to be told, repeatedly, that they have NO special skills for the 'job' that they do. In fact, as we have seen all too often, guys like you and me clearly have the upper hand at what really matters when it comes to being a journalist of any sort, the ability to think clearly.

When Schorr goes off about the "institutional" thing, he is trying to foster some sort of elitist ideal about the supposed 'professionalism' of journalism, which we all know is bunk.

BTW, Billy Beck at Two--Four.net (see http://www.two--four.net/weblog.php?id=P2468 ) has a bit on this. Classic.

jsid-1154004449-519885  markm at Thu, 27 Jul 2006 12:47:29 +0000

5.7mm = .224 inch. It's a souped-up .22 round!

The 5.7 cartridge was designed for a submachine gun, which was on the market (for government agencies, at least) for several years before they designed a pistol to use the same ammo.

The SMG is that odd looking weapon on the Stargate TV series, with the magazine that goes above and parallel to the barrel. It was designed for light recoil (so it's easier to hold the barrel on target in full-auto) and as high velocity as is practical with a pistol-length barrel. Sure, it just makes little teeny holes, but the submachine gun version can make a *lot* of little teeny holes, and it can make them through medium armor.
At least I'd expect a skinny bullet at high velocity to be better at armor penetration than a slower, fatter bullet like the 9mm, but it's no rifle round, and it's no .45.

As for the pistol, it's either a collector's item or what a soldier caught off-guard with his SMG stored in the rack might use to fight his way to his real weapon. It's not much of a combat weapon, but any gun is better than none, and a loaded .22 is better than a heavy gun that you don't have the right ammo for.

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