JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2009/08/investment-in-failure.html (33 comments)

  Tentative mapping of comments to original article, corrections solicited.

jsid-1250430453-610865  geekWithA.45 at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 13:47:33 +0000

>>Which is it - ignorance, stupidity, or insanity? I really want to know.

Perhaps it is a distinction without a difference, and the strongest possible argument for minarchism.

jsid-1250432765-610867  Blackwing1 at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 14:26:05 +0000

"Which is it - ignorance, stupidity, or insanity?"

For many of them it's simply stupidity.

But for the select few, the correct answer is, "None of the above." For the die-hard Marxist/socialist/collectivists, it is simply all about POWER. The power over other people that politics gives them; power that they can have in no other way (largely because they're unproductive drones otherwise). The side effects of their grasping for power include minor things like the slaughter of hundreds of millions, but to them these are easily ignored.

The ignorant are easily taught, the stupid have little impact, and the insane can be ignored. But the truly venal will use every tool at their command, including the morals and ethics of good people, to bring themselves to power. That it will destroy the country in the long-term is a nice side-effect, offering them even more opportunity for power.

jsid-1250433393-610868  DJ at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 14:36:33 +0000

"Which is it - ignorance, stupidity, insanity, or power?"

There. Fixed it for you.

The answer is, "Yes, at least one for all, some for most, and all for some."

jsid-1250435270-610869  Top of the Chain at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 15:07:50 +0000

You know what? I get it. I mean I really get it, self reliance, personal responsibility, making my own way in this world. Oh sure, I was conservative even in high school. Hell, I went as Elmer Fudd hunting scwewey wibewals for Halloween my senior year. The majority of my teachers were not amused. Screw em if they couldn't take the joke.

Now twenty years later I find myself pissed off. I mean that long train of abuses our founding fathers talked about, well it's a hotshot express a mile long.

When these politicians cry "CRISIS!!" I almost puke. Every god damn thing is a freaking crisis. From the house ordering additional funding for their private air service to health care.

What's gonna be next? Swine Flu? High risk gay sex in Brazil or Argentina? Another 2 billion to buy off the auto dealers that are left?

The less fortunate should realize that conservatism would much rather help people by assisting them in becoming self sufficient than keeping them in a cycle of poverty and despair.

The left calls us Nazi's and mean spirited. Hell, I don't wish to exploit anyone. I don't wish to discriminate against anyone. I want to be charitable and assist my fellow man in rising above economic bondage. That is what you trade for when the government hands out what was not theirs to begin with. That right there, to answer your question is criminal. It's like they have a freaking Robin Hood complex, and the mean right wing 'militias' are the Sheriff of Nottingham.

jsid-1250444354-610873  Kevin Baker at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 17:39:14 +0000

I think you misunderstand. WE recognize the power grab. What I want to know is why the voters support the power grab?

Are they ignorant, stupid, or insane? Do they not understand what is going on? Are they in denial? Or are they insane enough to believe that the power grab will somehow benefit them?

jsid-1250444738-610874  juris_imprudent at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 17:45:38 +0000

Perhaps it is a distinction without a difference, and the strongest possible argument for minarchism.

Gack geek! You just triggered my cynic switch. If the people that continue to vote in a govt are "ignorant, stupid or insane" (and your premise is true), then how can all of those people (perhaps sheep would be more apropos) live in liberty?

At which point, what are we that argue for minimal govt?

jsid-1250445272-610875  DJ at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 17:54:32 +0000

"Are they ignorant, stupid, or insane? Do they not understand what is going on? Are they in denial? Or are they insane enough to believe that the power grab will somehow benefit them?"


jsid-1250447281-610876  Kevin Baker at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 18:28:01 +0000

If the people that continue to vote in a govt are "ignorant, stupid or insane" (and your premise is true), then how can all of those people (perhaps sheep would be more apropos) live in liberty?

The ones who live in liberty are the ones who survive it?

Just askin'.

jsid-1250447383-610877  Ed "What the" Heckman at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 18:29:43 +0000

"Or are they insane enough to believe that the power grab will somehow benefit them?"

The answer is Yes. One of them is named Peggy.

jsid-1250447583-610878  juris_imprudent at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 18:33:03 +0000

The ones who live in liberty are the ones who survive it?

That sounds to me more like anarchy than minarchy. YMMV.

jsid-1250447773-610879  Kevin Baker at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 18:36:13 +0000

That sounds to me more like anarchy than minarchy.

Oooh! You are quick!

Once again proving I have the BEST DAMN READERS ON THE INTERWEBS!;)

jsid-1250448339-610880  perlhaqr at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 18:45:39 +0000

That sounds to me more like anarchy than minarchy.

I say go for it.

Judging by the conversations I've had the last several days though, we're outnumbered about a thousand to one. Everybody else seems willing to live under tyranny or some semblance of slavery, on the bet that they might somehow end up slightly better than they would working on their own.

Somehow, they clap their hands for Tinkerbell hard enough to deafen themselves to the fact that while there's people above them whose pockets they can try to filch, there's even more people below them trying the same thing with them.

jsid-1250449182-610884  Top of the Chain at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 18:59:42 +0000

I think you misunderstand. WE recognize the power grab. What I want to know is why the voters support the power grab?

Are they ignorant, stupid, or insane? Do they not understand what is going on? Are they in denial? Or are they insane enough to believe that the power grab will somehow benefit them?

Wow, that's a dynamic question. Ok, like everything else in our country, I believe it is a mix of factors. There are those that are ignorant. They either through denial or absence of fact ignore everything that doesn't concern their world.

The stupid ones see it, comprehend it, and say huh, NMP, not my problem. My fellow citizens will take care of it. Me, as long as I have a McMansion, 2 BMW's and a pool, I'm good to ride it out.

The third one, the insane, comprehend it, and plow ahead regardless. They're the zealots, the SEIU's, the ACORNS, the Moveon.org's Drunk with power, they crave more and be damned to anybody who gets in their way. Even if it means harming those who they claim to help.

We, I believe have a mix of all three. The ignorant can be educated, the stupid might be motivated, but the insane, marginalize them. They're the dangerous ones.

jsid-1250451475-610887  TheOtherLarry at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 19:37:55 +0000

The adage I have always liked is: "You can't fix stupid."

I really think it is all about power and elitism. They want the power to force everyone else to make all the sacrifices so they don't have to.


jsid-1250451697-610888  alan at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 19:41:37 +0000

I was reading an article in The Atlantic today which discussed the various aspects of our health care system which contribute to the high costs. Most of those inhibit cost controls by making the actual costs opaque to the consumer.

His solution could be summed up as "Give consumers more control over the costs of their health care"

Unfortunately I must add ", whether they want it or not."

jsid-1250453655-610891  juris_imprudent at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 20:14:15 +0000

I really think it is all about power and elitism. They want the power to force everyone else to make all the sacrifices so they don't have to.

It isn't so much of a sacrifice if you are a believer...

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. -- C.S. Lewis

jsid-1250454815-610892  Cindi at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 20:33:35 +0000

"What I want to know is why the voters support the power grab?

Are they ignorant, stupid, or insane? Do they not understand what is going on? Are they in denial? Or are they insane enough to believe that the power grab will somehow benefit them?"

Some of them know they are too stupid to take care of themselves, so they believe the power grab will benefit them.

Some of them think they're too stupid - the constant drumbeat of "you can't, you can't, you can't"; they're ignorant.

Some of them have thrown up their hands at the obstacles to taking care of themselves, so they've opted out.

Some of them KNOW their "somebodies" can take care of everybody, although some "eggs" may have to be broken; they're insane.

That leaves us who deeply resent the control and the other groups for foisting it on us. How many of us are there?

jsid-1250456737-610895  perlhaqr at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 21:05:37 +0000

That leaves us who deeply resent the control and the other groups for foisting it on us. How many of us are there?

Not nearly enough.

Someone told me today that I was literally insane for believing in liberty. So I took my (and I quote) "toxic libertarian BS" and left. Not much point in arguing with people like that.

The ironic part is, by this person's own philosophy, shouldn't I care more about myself than her medical problems? I mean, if she's self-centered, why shouldn't I be?

*sigh* I need a fucking space ship.

jsid-1250458933-610899  Jeff Wood at Sun, 16 Aug 2009 21:42:13 +0000

"Which is it - ignorance, stupidity, or insanity?"

This is a question fully loaded with full-house, factory ammo.

Ignorance might, eventually be cured: at thirty, I was vaguely Left, and it took nearly twenty years to become the reincarnation of Attila the Hun. A lot of damage can be done in twenty years.

Stupidity, and insanity might be cured, but the process is usually drastic and may have unlooked-for side effects.

Working as I do among British small business types, and coming from a rural background, I am conscious that there exists here, and I don't doubt in the US, a solid group of independent types. They are not necessarily intellectual, but they can smell bullshit a long way off.

Employees of these folk are often the same decent, dependable sort.

It is Corporate Man - I suspect your corporate readers will corroborate this - who often seems to be as dependent as career welfare claimants.

They don't ask the right questions, of themselves or the system - they dare not.

And don't get me started on government employees, at least not until I am UK dictator and can, on day one, get to grips with that problem.

So, is it a structural, demographic problem, and where the devil does one start?

jsid-1250467279-610903  DirtCrashr at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 00:01:19 +0000

Are they ignorant, stupid, or insane?
For many on the Left it's a Religion, whether they like it or not they are reduplicating that faith-based prospect but without divine inspiration or intercession - and that encompasses a LOT of types. There are those who are theologically inclined towards the coming of the Statist Messiah, those who simply appreciate the rote Catechism, some who just to hear the Sunday School stories of Marx and the Twelve-Year Plan of Fishbread - and a whole lot of hyposchitzophrenickrits who only go to Vote on Sundays and hump their Secretaries the rest of the week while Lecturing on Keynesian microeconomics.

jsid-1250469761-610906  Greg Hunt at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 00:42:41 +0000

"For many on the Left it's a Religion..."

It's the religious part that scares me. Much as individual priests and preachers can be wrong while God is never wrong, these people believe that individual politicians and government employees can be wrong while "The Government" is never wrong.

The circular logic is painful to deal with. However, it's the smugness that makes discussing politics with Leftists intolerable to me. These people believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Statism is the answer to all problems. Non-believers are to be mocked as "barbarians".

jsid-1250475319-610907  LabRat at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 02:15:19 +0000

Are they ignorant, stupid, or insane? I honestly believe none of the above- I think the root of the problem lies in our ability to think about complex problems and dynamics, which normal people tend to judge in themselves as vastly greater than it really is- and in others as vastly less than it really is. We also tend to judge our reasoning abilities, that work so well in the environment that we live in, as applicable in a general sense, rather than highly adapted to areas that we actually have direct experience with.

If you asked a dolphin what causes so many human problems, it would probably say that it's because we're such incompetent swimmers. (Better metaphor forthcoming: I put in the request at the Bureau of Analogy six weeks ago.)

"Why so many smart people are technocrats" is one of those posts of mine sitting on the shelf waiting for time and a drink o' inspiration juice, unfortunatley.

jsid-1250477528-610909  Billll at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 02:52:08 +0000

"Which is it - ignorance, stupidity, insanity, or power?"

Power, of course. The typical leftie has no more interest in fixing an economic problem than any of the current crop of race baiters has in eliminating racism. If the problem were fixed, they'd be out of work.

Years ago I observed that the typical leftie pol never saw a constituent problem that couldn't be turned into a revenue enhancement without actually fixing the problem. Today, this is called "not letting a crisis go to waste.

jsid-1250484047-610913  6Kings at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 04:40:47 +0000

Ignorance and apathy are my vote. Just look at all the people suddenly up in arms about health care but have sat on the sidelines while all the other crap democrats are putting forth moves through. I have plenty of anecdotal evidence of this where people just don't care because they don't know what freedom takes. They are just satisfied that someone else will take care of the country since they are busy with their own life. Can't be bothered to pay attention, can't be bothered to vote or vote party line no matter what, and can't be bothered to think about how they got these freedoms in the first place. It is sickening and exactly what keeps democrats in power - apathy and ignorance. Not only that, the media has been helping drive this ignorance as much as anything. This generation is sound bite/headline based and the misleading and agenda driven media is adding to the atrophy of this country. All this info is out there but very few are intent on getting a true education.

jsid-1250488367-610914  JR at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 05:52:47 +0000

The quote by C.S. Lewis posted by juris_imprudent above has a bit more to it that is seldom included when this passage is quoted. It's from his book, "The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment." The remainder of the quote is quite telling as well and explores the idea that the Tyranny of the Good is ultimately dehumanizing - it treats us as nothing more than cattle, all in the name of "love," "compassion," and "mercy."

Here's the whole thing:

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. Their very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals. "

jsid-1250510948-610921  Bram at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 12:09:08 +0000

Why would they want government programs to succeed? If their "War on Poverty" and "Affirmative Action" programs were a smashing success, much of the Democratic core constituency would have been catapulted into the middle and even the upper-middle-class.

Some may still vote Democrat out of gratitude, but many would have become fiscal conservatives when it's their tax-dollars being wasted on big government. Why risk that?

jsid-1250512147-610922  GrumpyOldFart at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 12:29:07 +0000

I have no doubt that the money people and the political leaders are in it for the power rather than to actually solve problems, but I'll contend that that really has nothing to do with political affiliation. I submit to you that that's why Republican lawmakers have been getting booed at tea parties.

As for the rank and file, I think it's largely an inability to factor in the time dynamic to their thinking. As long as _________ can show you the benefit of _______ now and put off showing you the cost, you'll support it long enough for it to pass. The trick is finding ways to hide that cost not only long enough for it to pass, but until after the next election. If I can stave off the outrage for one election, you'll have forgotten by the next time around and you'll reelect me anyway.

jsid-1250515167-610926  Bilgeman at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 13:19:27 +0000

"I think you misunderstand. WE recognize the power grab. What I want to know is why the voters support the power grab?"

Old bumper-sticker answers this one quite nicely, I think:

"If you're NOT pissed off, (and scared), you're NOT PAYING ATTENTION."

jsid-1250527248-610941  PolyKahr at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 16:40:48 +0000

GrumpyOldFart has certainly hit on one reason, and it has the advantage of not assigning to our fellow citizen bad motives. A lot of people have a hard time seeing that which isn't there. The narrative that we must pass cap-and-trade, for example, or the world will end in fire deliberately ignores that there are a whole range of things that could be done, or not, that would have far less effect on our pocketbooks and far less deliterious effects on liberty. When you point these things out to them, they often respond with an 'Oh...' followed by a wondering look as they realize what else they may have missed. But it is slow, doesn't happen all at once, and in the meantime you have to wonder if your fellow man is ignorant, stupid, or insane.

jsid-1250535767-610948  Bilgeman at Mon, 17 Aug 2009 19:02:47 +0000

In regards my "not paying attention" bit, I think it should be pointed out that the electorate was sold on the Obama brand not by it's content, (and certainly not by his record...such as it was), but by the relentlessly repeated and reinforced meme that Bush was so spectatcularly BAD.

Obama got a free ride from citizen scrutiny simply because they had been programmed into a knee-jerk ABB, (Anybody But Bush), reaction.

Well now that folks are learning the details, (again, such as they are), they are perhaps starting to re-examine their programmed Bush-phobia, and maybe ruefully coming to the conclusion that he, like Chancellor von Schleicher, wasn't nearly as bad in hindsight as he was portrayed at the time.

The Alleged Hawaiian's steeply dropping poll numbers are obviously reflecting this.

jsid-1250568832-610967  juris_imprudent at Tue, 18 Aug 2009 04:13:52 +0000

Obama got a free ride from citizen scrutiny simply because they had been programmed into a knee-jerk ABB, (Anybody But Bush), reaction.

Reminds me of the post WWI election in Britain, where the contest was described as "who was the least like Lloyd-George", and the English Liberal Party was essentially destroyed.

jsid-1250770027-611043  alanstorm at Thu, 20 Aug 2009 12:07:07 +0000

"Are they ignorant, stupid, or insane? Do they not understand what is going on? Are they in denial? Or are they insane enough to believe that the power grab will somehow benefit them?"

Go take a look at the comments on any given post over at the inaptly named "Americablog", and you will rapidly decide that it's a mixture of all three. Be warned that you'll never get that time back.

jsid-1251081287-611314  Kevin Baker at Mon, 24 Aug 2009 02:34:47 +0000

I find it fascinating that I compose a post using quotes from Markadelphia himself, yet he does not even attempt to answer the question I pose.

Standard Response #1!

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