The IBD is a national treasure. Now when evven the Wall Street Journal can't be counted on to support capitalism, the IBD regularly publishes editorials that are honest & fiercely pro-capitalist.
Ramirez is like icing on the cake.
Oddly enough, I DON'T think that this is too far fetched - give the Socialists a little more time and it will come to pass ... not necessarily in this exact form but errors in minor details don't invalidate the argument.
Love him? Hate him? How do YOU feel about our soon to be former President? Take part in a chance to immortalize your views in book form by visiting and letting your opinion be read!
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The IBD is a national treasure. Now when evven the Wall Street Journal can't be counted on to support capitalism, the IBD regularly publishes editorials that are honest & fiercely pro-capitalist.
Ramirez is like icing on the cake.
well you could have warned me about the Blago bastard in a dress cartoon...what has been seen cannot be unseen...
Although I despise the smear that a Thompson is a gangster weapon, it sure is appropriate in that Blago toon.
Coming soon to a Country VERY near you ...
Oddly enough, I DON'T think that this is too far fetched - give the Socialists a little more time and it will come to pass ... not necessarily in this exact form but errors in minor details don't invalidate the argument.
The wife bought me a collection of his work in hardback form. Great stuff.
"I'm telling you, Mike Ramirez is a national treasure."
I agree. No wonder the LA Times fired him.
Love him? Hate him? How do YOU feel about our soon to be former President? Take part in a chance to immortalize your views in book form by visiting and letting your opinion be read!
Check out the following article about
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If you notice any problems with this page or wish to have your home page link updated, please contact John Hardin <>