I find it highly amusing that MoveOn, and organization originally formed in order to influence the 2004 elections, is completely incapable of "moving on".
Once George W. leaves office and their original mission is accomplished would they be nice enough to just go away?
"I find it highly amusing that MoveOn, and organization originally formed in order to influence the 2004 elections, is completely incapable of "moving on"."
It's worse then that. They were originally formed at the time of Clinton's Impeachment. We were all supposed to move on from the issue,
since Clinton only lied about sex.
10 years later, they still can't take their own advice.
I found their ad to be quite insulting, actually, to General Patreus. It really doesn't accomplish anything.
Unfortunetly, the ad has gotten them more press and recognition than they should get. Even President Bush mentioned them today. So, if you want a group like Moveon.org to be gone, ignore them.
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JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2007/09/question-of-day.html (10 comments)
Tentative mapping of comments to original article, corrections solicited.
They won't take it without the original packaging. And good luck getting Jefferson back in the box.
They're a bunch of Mall-rats, they got it at Abercrombie & Soros.
“Now it’s our party. We bought it, we own it, and we’re going to take it back.”
Perhaps... I would remind you that you used Mr. Soros' money to make that purchase.
I'd suggest that you NOT put him on hold when he calls.
Find out what he wants from "your" Party...and see that he gets it, or it won't be "yours" much longer, lads and lassies.
I would remind you that you used Mr. Soros' money to make that purchase.
They spent someone else's money and think they own something.
I find it highly amusing that MoveOn, and organization originally formed in order to influence the 2004 elections, is completely incapable of "moving on".
Once George W. leaves office and their original mission is accomplished would they be nice enough to just go away?
Somehow I don't think so.
"I find it highly amusing that MoveOn, and organization originally formed in order to influence the 2004 elections, is completely incapable of "moving on"."
It's worse then that. They were originally formed at the time of Clinton's Impeachment. We were all supposed to move on from the issue,
since Clinton only lied about sex.
10 years later, they still can't take their own advice.
I found their ad to be quite insulting, actually, to General Patreus. It really doesn't accomplish anything.
Unfortunetly, the ad has gotten them more press and recognition than they should get. Even President Bush mentioned them today. So, if you want a group like Moveon.org to be gone, ignore them.
Look at the list of those who voted against the censure. Who pays for politicians again?
It's worse than that. MoveOn was formed in 1998 to "MoveOn" from the "sex allegations" against Clinton and to not continue impeachment proceedings.
MoveOn, indeed. 9 years later, they've really.. MovedOn, haven't they?
Sam: Sorry, missed your reply as I caught up. :)
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If you notice any problems with this page or wish to have your home page link updated, please contact John Hardin <jhardin@impsec.org>