Well, first prize for statement of the bleedin' obvious, but top marks for telling the truth about Iran - not something that French governments have been reknowned for in the past.
I think that as soosn as Mossad learns that Iran is close to a nuclear weapon, Israel will bomb it. They don't have a choice. Ahmadinejad has said he will wipe them off the map so really what else can they do?
In the meantime, however, the good news is that Iran's economy is in a shambles so they don't have the money to pay the Russians for the equipment they need to build a bomb. Will they even be able to make it?
And President Ahmadinejad is currently enjoying a 20 percent approval, with a population that is largely pro-American.
I'm reminded of a saying, by whom I don't know, to the effect that going to war and taking France along is like going deer hunting and taking an accordian along.
Since the accordion player in question has a reputation for sounding off at the worst possible time and spooking the game, taking him along is not necessarily a bad idea.
Something else to consider...does anyone remember the story a week or two ago about the B-52 that "mistakenly" carried tactical nukes over the US? Well, I can tell you with almost certainty that it was no accident. Those guys don't make those mistakes. The B-52 flew from ND to LA. Guess what area of the world gets its "stuff" from LA?
I get the strong indication that a very clear message is being sent.
Come on now, we could use the French - for clearing minefields...
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JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2007/09/holy.html (18 comments)
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A bit surprising, but this is Sarkozy's administration, afterall, and the French people are already uncomfortable with him. He's too "American."
Well, first prize for statement of the bleedin' obvious, but top marks for telling the truth about Iran - not something that French governments have been reknowned for in the past.
Hmmm... could it be that they finally found their testes? May be too soon to tell, but that's promising.
I think that as soosn as Mossad learns that Iran is close to a nuclear weapon, Israel will bomb it. They don't have a choice. Ahmadinejad has said he will wipe them off the map so really what else can they do?
In the meantime, however, the good news is that Iran's economy is in a shambles so they don't have the money to pay the Russians for the equipment they need to build a bomb. Will they even be able to make it?
And President Ahmadinejad is currently enjoying a 20 percent approval, with a population that is largely pro-American.
The cynic in me wonders how far behind the Iranians are in payments to French companies.
Randy, nice.....
I'm reminded of a saying, by whom I don't know, to the effect that going to war and taking France along is like going deer hunting and taking an accordian along.
I believe it is attributed to Patton. The quote is: "Going to war without the French is like going deer hunting without an accordion."
RE: Deer hunting and accordions
Since the accordion player in question has a reputation for sounding off at the worst possible time and spooking the game, taking him along is not necessarily a bad idea.
Clarification: since that way you can keep an eye on him.
Something else to consider...does anyone remember the story a week or two ago about the B-52 that "mistakenly" carried tactical nukes over the US? Well, I can tell you with almost certainty that it was no accident. Those guys don't make those mistakes. The B-52 flew from ND to LA. Guess what area of the world gets its "stuff" from LA?
I get the strong indication that a very clear message is being sent.
Did he have a small black mustache and goatee, by chance? I strongly suspect this was some sort of evil, alternate universe French foreign minister.
Oh, and the accordion quote, if I recall correctly, was General "Stormin'" Norman Schwartzkopf.
Oh, here it is:
“Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion.”
Holy crap. I actually spelled his name right! :)
You know, I remember the (mild) furor that resulted from that! You're right. It was Schwartzkopf, not Patton.
Oh for fuck's sake!:
"We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is war,"
Now if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the Quai D'Orsay's worldview...and from a "conservative" government, no less.
If war is the "worst", then in order to avoid the worst, they'll settle for something short of it.
And what would THAT be?
Taqqiyeh? Dhimmitude? Conversion? Wrapping their wives and daughters in burkhas? Converting to Islam?
These are our allies?
I don't fuckin' THINK so!
Gutless turds.
Just remember, Bilgeman, former French President Jacques Chirac said "As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure".
So far as I'm concerned, this is a major step UP.
I understand that, like the Weekly World News, the French Military Magazine Soldier of Surrender is closing its doors! :lol:
RE: Deer hunting and accordions
Generally best to leave the accordian player in camp to dig the latrine.
"It was Schwartzkopf, not Patton."
Golly gee, guys, I'm sure pleased that I didn't remember who it was. Now I can't be accused of being wrong!
Come on now, we could use the French - for clearing minefields...
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If you notice any problems with this page or wish to have your home page link updated, please contact John Hardin <jhardin@impsec.org>