No, Stephen, I heard excerpts on the radio on Monday. I can't remember which show.
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I have searched the intarwebz for you, using all of my librarian skillz, and still nothing. Sorry!
¡Muchas Gracias, Breda!
(Did you know you're named after an Italian gun manufacturer? - Maker if nice machine guns?)
Apparently nobody even YouTubed the speech!
Kevin... I thought I was named after my grandmother, how odd. ;)
If Mrs. Bill Clinton's speech is not on Youtube - maybe it wasn't very good?
OK, she was named after an Italian gun manufacturer! ;)
No, it wasn't very good, but it had a lot of "we need to give" in it.
not much of a surprise there...and who is this "we" she's talking about? I don't want to be part of her club. No thanks, Hillary! =D
That is quoted as Hillary's statement
It may have been her statement for Labor Day, but it was not the speech I heard her give. Thanks for the link, though.
If you were there, whre was your video camera Kevin? C'mon -- original sources!!!
No, Stephen, I heard excerpts on the radio on Monday. I can't remember which show.
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