JS-Kit/Echo comments for article at http://smallestminority.blogspot.com/2007/01/hah.html (8 comments)

  Tentative mapping of comments to original article, corrections solicited.

jsid-1168703139-547636  DJ at Sat, 13 Jan 2007 15:45:39 +0000

Kevin, do you actively search for writings on this subject, or do you just stumble across them? I realize that's more than we really need to know, but curiosity is like that.

jsid-1168704646-547638  Kevin Baker at Sat, 13 Jan 2007 16:10:46 +0000

These? Just stumble. The author left a comment, so I visited her blog, and voilà! There it was!

jsid-1168730521-547659  Arni at Sat, 13 Jan 2007 23:22:01 +0000

The best toilet paper on the face of our planet is called Andrex with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E.

jsid-1168731994-547661  Kevin Baker at Sat, 13 Jan 2007 23:46:34 +0000

Does it come from old-growth exotic hardwoods out of virgin rainforests?

jsid-1168735330-547666  renn at Sun, 14 Jan 2007 00:42:10 +0000

That blog post makes me wonder if we ought to all donate a case or 2 of charmin and find a way to get it shipped over to the sandbox...

I can see it now, 'Silly String and Charmin for our troops!!'

Ok, seriously, the silly string helps find tripwires when clearing urban areas, and well we all know why the TP is important...

jsid-1168735536-547667  Anon at Sun, 14 Jan 2007 00:45:36 +0000

That post did bring up an important subject: people who don't flush toilets. I don't care if you want to save the environment or you don't want to make a lot of noise (because it's 3:00 AM), you have got to flush that toilet! Whoever goes in after you is going to be absolutely disgusted. It's probably the leading cause of divorce and/or domestic violence.

jsid-1168802285-547703  DJ at Sun, 14 Jan 2007 19:18:05 +0000

Whoever goes in after you is going to be absolutely disgusted. It's probably the leading cause of divorce and/or domestic violence.

Well, now who found that out?

Let me guess: Your spouse is not yet potty trained?

jsid-1168919087-547797  triticale at Tue, 16 Jan 2007 03:44:47 +0000

If it's yellow let it mellow.
If it's brown, flush it down.

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