[Esa-l]You may want to poison "Simpsons Episodes"

Murray Crane mcrane at longbridge.com
Fri Jun 15 09:13:42 PDT 2001


But still, once the filename has a known extension, you could use the existing poisoning code to quarantine that specific filename with extension [was the point I was hoping to get 
across] and thereby stop it reaching the client-side Macs.

In this particular case, where there is currently a 'set' filename, adding a known extension and quarantining that set filename.extension pairing would (should) snag the payload.


On Fri, 15 Jun 2001 08:57:30 -0700 (PDT), Bret Sanders wrote:

>Changing the filename on a Mac has no effect, since this wouldn't change
>how the Mac runs the file. It still knows the file type from the embedded
>file type information. You can call a Word doc 'Letter to Mom.xls' and it
>would still run Word when it's opened.

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